Tag Archives: shopping

Stolen Cars, Stolen Carts

22 Mar

We are playing musical cars around here.  All the cars need a good tune-up and service.  We have found a great mechanic.  As we rotate one car into the shop, we play musical cars with the two left.  Princelightningbolt’s is stolen out from under him.  He is back to hitching a ride with friends and carrying all his sports gear and lunch around with him at school.  My minivan was scheduled to go into the shop Thursday, but we took it on Tuesday evening to drop it off by accident. I don’t know what came over me, but when I got home from dance carpool at 830 p.m. on Tuesday, I thought it was Wednesday night.  My mistake is making us suffer through musical cars for one extra day.  I think I need a calendar.

I took Sirskatesalot’s car to Costco for a triple digit shopping.  I thought I’d jam through and was on a mission.  No stopping, no talking, no tasting.  Only the necessities.  I was so focused on the task at hand that when I got to the very back of the store for dog food, I noticed there was Palmolive dish soap and a few other things I didn’t recognize in my cart.  Hmmm.  I didn’t notice them when I put a whole case of Pelligrino water in the back.  I looked more closely and realized I had stolen someone else’s cart from the freezing cold produce cavern!  I felt so embarrassed that I contemplated leaving the stolen cart there at the back of the store (I know, bad, bad karma! But I was really, really embarrassed).  However,  I couldn’t easily lug the case of Pelligrino and a 40 pound bag of dog food to the cash registers.  I put my tail between my legs and went to find the poor soul who’s cart I jacked.  She was sweet and on her phone and confused, but good hearted and happy to have her dish soap back.  I got my cart back, now I just need my car back.

Foot Freedom

21 Feb

It is hard to describe the liberating feeling of wearing a small (albeit ugly) sandal instead of Das Boot.  I  feel light and like I can do anything.  Seriously.  With the doc’s OK to be up as much as I can tolerate (thank the holy lands I have a high pain tolerance…), I have been to the gym with my sandal every day, cleaned and cooked, walked one dog, hit TJs and the market, shopped for a friend just for fun…taking my time wandering around the store without checking my watch to make sure I haven’t gone over my allotted minutes.

I can even sleep without the sandal.  Ah, so nice to wiggle my toes in the covers, to roll over without creating an earthquake in my bed (Not that kind!  Get your minds out of the gutter.  I am talking about feet.)

And…drum roll…I showered without a trash bag and tape!  I have to balance on my heel, but wow.  Wow. Wow.  What a difference to be able to stand under the water, to wash my hair without having to duck my head down while sticking my boot out of the spray and washing my locks upside down.  I can shave both legs.  My sandal fits through the hole of underwear, my swim suit and boot leg jeans, so I can change without having to undo velcro, redo velcro, tuck in pants, etc. All these positives are enough to overlook the ungodly sight of the sandal.

The clincher is that I only have two more days with this sexy sandal.  I bought new running shoes today.  I feel like my comfort zone is not too far away.  Is this the light at the end of the tunnel?  I have survived 5 weeks tomorrow.  I have 3 weeks until new orthotics  are casted and 2 weeks after that until they are ready.  So, 5 more weeks of easy, but not sitting on my ass.  I can handle that.


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